How to Give a Chest Massage

How to Give a Chest Massage

Massage is an excellent method to promote overall relaxation. When doing chest massage, the strokes are mainly aimed at the pectoral muscles (pectoralis major and minor)--which are muscles located in front of the rib cage. Massage on this area will not only increase the flexibility of the muscles but also enhances blood flow in the area. It also reduces excessive soreness around the area after lifting heavy loads.

Things You'll Need:

Massage oil

Massage table



Observe modesty by properly draping your client before performing massage. Make sure that private parts are properly covered, especially female clients.


Position yourself at the head of the massage table facing the client. Place an ample amount of oil or lotion on your hands and apply them on the upper chest to the shoulders.


Begin by doing an effleurage--a stroke involving the use of light pressure. Just glide your palms lightly along the muscles from the center of the chest up to shoulders. Repeat the strokes 3 to 4 times. Avoid applying pressure on the nipples and clavicles.


Change your position by standing on the right side of the client's body. Remember to keep your hands in contact with the body of the client even when you change positions.


Do your stroke on the opposite side of the chest (left area of the chest), still standing on the right side. Place one hand on top of the other and do a soft stroke by gliding your hand from the center of the upper chest, passing above the area of the left breast, up to the left shoulder. Then smoothly glide it back to the center. Repeat the stroke 3 to 4 times.


Perform effleurage on the pectoral muscles. Still standing on the right side, do pectoral massage on the left pectoral area. Position your hands in between the left breast and do your stroke from the center going to the left and back to the center 3 times. Then glide your hands one after the other, above the left breast up to the left shoulder 2 times. Repeat this sequence 3 times. This step is more applicable for male clients than females.


Remain standing on the right side of the client. Place one hand on top of the other and do some small circular strokes using your fingers. Perform it underneath the left clavicle from the center outward. Repeat this 3 to 4 times.


Go back to positioning yourself at the head of the massage table. Do Steps 2 and 3 again.


Change your position by standing on the left side of the client, and execute Steps 5, 6, and 7--all concentrating on the right side of the chest.


Finish your massage by going back to standing at the head of the bed and do effleurage from the center of the upper chest to the shoulders. Repeat this 3 times.

Tips & Warnings

Keep your palms straight when doing your strokes.

Using the thumb and base of the palm when applying controlled soft strokes is essential to provide enough mild pressure.

As you do your massage, change your position as you do your strokes to have a better aim at the muscles. Move your body in the direction of your stroke to observe proper rhythm when doing your massage.

How to Give a Chakra Massage

How to Give a Chakra Massage

This massage moves along the back of the body, from the rib cage to the top of the head. You can have the person lie down while you massage them or they can sit up in a chair. This technique brings relaxation in just a few minutes.


Have the person lie face down on the massage table or sit up comfortably in a chair.


Find the point on the person's back that is directly across from the solar plexus. Press into that point on their back. Massage it well.


Find the point on their back that is across from the heart chakra, which is located in the front center of the chest. The heart chakra is a little higher than the solar plexus. Massage that area of the person's back.


Find the point on the lower neck that is opposite the throat chakra. Massage that area.


Place your thumb and forefingers on the base of their skull. Place and slightly lift. This will feel divine to them.


Place the fingertips of both your hands in a ring around the top of the person's head, without touching the crown of the head. Press lightly. This will release tensions and relax them unimaginably.

How to Give a Chair Massage

How to Give a Chair Massage

A chair massage doesn't require the client to disrobe. A massage chair is portable and could be taken to a workplace, a home or a health fair. These massages can last from 5 minutes to 1 hour. A chair massage is also great for those who have trouble getting up on the table or getting comfortable in a lying position, such as a pregnant or handicapped client.

Things You'll Need:

Massage chair


Face rest covers

Massage oil


Ask your client to comfortably straddle the massage chair and sit face down into the face cradle.


Break the back into four quarters visually and focus on one quarter at a time. Begin with the left scapula.


Push your elbow into the shoulder to loosen those muscles. These trapezius muscles usually carry a lot of tension.


Press either your thumb or your elbow into the pressure points surrounding the spine. The elbow has more pressure, so ask your client which is better for her.


Dig your thumbs into the pressure points in the scapula and trapezius once more then do the other side.


Work the pressure points in the lower back and under the ribcage with your thumbs. Check with your client to make sure she isn't in pain or that you aren't pressing too hard.

Tips & Warnings

If you have a client who is apprehensive about disrobing for a full-body massage, this may be a great intro to getting massages.

Don't allow anyone to give you a chair massage or work on your pressure points unless you know he is a licensed massage therapist.

How to Give a Basic Aromatherapy Massage

How to Give a Basic Aromatherapy Massage

For the ultimate in relaxation, learn to give a basic aromatherapy massage routine on a friend or loved one. Its a loving and tender way to let that person know you care and gives them a peaceful stress-relieving experience.

Things You'll Need:

Base or carrier oil

Therapeutic-quality essential oils

Bowl or glass container to mix massage oil

Comfortable surface to perform massage

Mixing the Aromatherapy Massage Oil


Select essential oils that are relaxing and generally safe for use on healthy adults for your aromatherapy massage blend such as
, chamomile or geranium essential oils. Be sure to let the person receiving the massage smell the oils first to make sure they appeal to the massage recipient.


Pour about one cup of carrier, or base, oil into the glass bowl. Pure vegetable-based oils work best as nourishing carrier oils so consider using sweet almond, avocado, jojoba or other pure oils. Do not use mineral or baby oil as this will clog the pores of the skin.


Put about 5 to 10 drops of essential oil into the carrier oil and mix it gently. Essential oils are highly concentrated so only a few drops are needed.

Giving the Aromatherapy Massage


Once the massage recipient is comfortably settled on the table or bed and the massage oils have been mixed, you can begin the massage. Your friend or partner should be covered completely with the sheet but to work the back you'll uncover the back just to the waist line.


Pour a little bit of the oil into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and apply it to the recipient's back with long, warming strokes.


Using various massage strokes, continuing working the back until you've finished massaging the back completely. Be sure to make sure your friend or loved one is comfortable with the amount of pressure you are using. When you are finished, cover the back up with the sheet again.


Uncover the back of the legs and the feet, with your friend still lying face down, and apply the aromatherapy massage oil gently. As with the back, massage the feet and legs according to the comfort level of your friend and recover them when you are finished.


Have your friend turn over so they are face up and repeat these steps on the arms and hands, applying the aromatherapy oil as needed. Be sure to pay attention to the front of the shoulders and chest as well.


End your aromatherapy massage with work on the neck and face as many people find this soothing. Do not apply too much aromatherapy massage oil directly on the face. Your hands will have enough oil on them to do the face massage comfortably.

Tips & Warnings

Different essential oils have different effects, so if you want to do some research on selecting aromatherapy essential oils you can vary the massage experience.

Many licensed massage therapists will teach couples massage classes for general relaxation massage between friends and loved ones if you want additional ideas for giving a massage.

Pregnant women or those with serious medical conditions should check with their health care professionals about what, if any, essential oils can be used.

Use only the purest essential oils you can get as adulterated or synthetic fragrances are cheap and common.

How to Give a Back Massage Using Ayurvedic Techniques

How to Give a Back Massage Using Ayurvedic Techniques

Ayurveda is India's ancient system of traditional medicine. Massage is used in ayurveda to remove toxins from the body, promote relaxation and stimulate circulation. The choice of massage oil is important, and depends upon the recipient's dosha, or dominant energy pattern as determined by ayurvedic analysis.


Warm the massage oil. Pour the oil into a small plastic squeeze bottle and set the bottle in a bowl of very warm water for 2 or 3 minutes.


Position the recipient. Have the person remove his or her shirt and/or bra and lie face down. Position a pillow under the person's chest and below his or her chin if you are not using a massage table.


Pour some of the warm oil into your hand and spread it onto both of your hands.


Apply the oil to the recipient's back while standing at his or her head. Spread the oil evenly the entire length and width of the back.


Press both hands against the muscles on the backs of the shoulders, and stroke firmly down toward the lower back. Keep your fingers together and flattened so that you are pressing with the entire length of your fingers and not the tips.


Continue these steady, firm, down and back motions along the length of the recipient's back. Replenish the oil on your hands as necessary to maintain pressure with little friction.


Move around toward the person's hips and repeat the process of long, steady strokes up and down from this direction.

Tips & Warnings

Sesame oil balances the vata dosha, coconut oil the pitta dosha and mustard or olive oil the kapha dosha. However, sesame is the common oil base used for massage in ayurveda.

Do not use cooking sesame oil for massage. Sesame massage oil is cosmetic grade and can be found in health food stores in the body care section.

How to Get What You Want Out of Life

How to Get What You Want Out of Life

Do you want to accomplish certain personal goals in life but you don't have the time, patience, or resources? Here are some suggestions to help you get started in getting what you want out of life.

Things You'll Need:

Create a plan

List your goals

Prioritize your goals

Determine the steps

Implement the steps


First, you need to create a plan for your life. Buy a journal and list four categories: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.


Second, under each of the groups, list your goals or needs with whatever comes to mind. Don't think about it. Just write whatever comes naturally. Here is an example.

- Exercise every day
- Eat healthier
- Lose weight

- Read more books
- Do more crossword puzzles
- Look for another job

- Re-think my relationship
- Get closer to my family
- Make new friends

- Heal myself
- Listen to my instincts
- Talk to my guardian angels


Third, prioritize your goals or needs for each category. Here is an example.

3 Exercise every day
2 Eat healthier
1 Lose weight

Now, circle the "number ones" in each category. These are your most important goals or needs in your life you need to focus on right now.


Fourth, you need to select one category and determine 3(or whatever number you want to use)steps necessary to accomplish this goal or need. Here is an example.

1 Lose weight
- quit eating at fast food restaurants
- eat whatever I'm eating but less of it
- write down everything I eat


Fifth, implement the steps by doing them for one week at a time until they become a habit.

How to get through stressful situations and overcome any obstacle

How to get through stressful situations and overcome any obstacle

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, sad, scared? I understand. All humans feel these feelings at times and the success of the situation completely depends on your reaction to stressful situations. You can come out a winner on any situation if you put things into perspective and make a plan of attack for problem resolution.

Things You'll Need:

A moment to gain your thoughts and put things into perspective.



So you feel worried, scared, sad or believe you've just encountered the situation that is causing your world to come crashing down... First thing you need to do is take a moment, take a deep breath and let's work on putting things into perspective and making a plan to deal with the situation.


Okay you've give yourself a moment. Now give yourself a moment to understand what is scaring you, worrying you or making you feel overwhelmed. I know there are some huge issues that we encounter in life: Cancer, friend moving, loss of someone we love, money worries, loss of relationship, general anxiety or fear. These are all terrible things and feel understandably monumental.

Okay let's do something about it now:
Grab a pen and paper. There is saying that the pen is mightier than the sword and it's so true. You can overcome any feeling or worry by writing it down and making a plan and focusing on the goal.


You have your pen and paper now lets pick a stressor and make a plan to deal with it. Money, health, relationships whatever it is.

First lets write down in black and white what is bothering you.
This is extremely cathartic - just getting it out will honestly help you a bit. You need to get it out so you can stop focusing on the negative and move on to focusing on making something positive happen in the situation.

For example:
I am feeling very worried because our mortgage payment is due and we don't have the money.

Okay that is down on paper.
Write down any other fears and worries and get it out.

The Secret says that we have to focus on the things we want - not the bad things or things we don't want. By worrying and focusing on the negative we are actually breeding more negative. Writing it down will help you get it out so you can focus on positive thoughts and implementing an action plan.


Okay it's down on paper -- out of your system, out of your head -- good. Now let's make an action plan to fix the items and most importantly begin to focus on more positive things so that you can work toward making good things happen.

Write down ideas for solutions to the problem.
decide which items are most implementable
decide which item will help you to fix the issue most efficiently and quickly. Some items can not be easily fixed so just write down solutions you feel will solve the problem - or thoughts on how to ease the pain or worry of the situation.


You've documented the issue, you've documented a solution or ways you can deal with the situation. Good - now it's time to write out what you want.

for example:

I want to pay my bills without worry and to have financial security.

Now you need to picture this to be in place.
Picture yourself smiling, picture yourself putting payments in the mailbox, picture your bank account with all of the money that you need and want. Focus your energy on the things you want. Believe it will happen.

If you need/want health - picture yourself healthy, picture yourself smiling. Tell yourself out loud - I am healthy, I feel great. Nothing can get me down. It may sound corny, but keep doing this over and over.
Pray - do whatever helps you make it through the situation successfully and picture yourself winning. -- Do this several times a day. In the grocery store line - go into the zone and just picture good things happening, Walking - picture the life you want, there are so many snippets of time throughout the day that you can use to focus on the positive. The more you do this - the better you will feel. It is impossible to feel sad, worried or bad if you are focusing on good things and picturing your goal.


In closing, getting things out of your system so they aren't making noise in your head and making a plan to resolve the issue will make you feel much better. Picturing the things you want and spending time imagining the life you want will help you WIN!

What you believe - what you focus your energy on - you can accomplish.


Give it a try - you have nothing to lose, but worry, fear and doubt!
Good luck.

Tips & Warnings

Focus your energy on positive thoughts

Believe and see yourself accomplishing the solution